Saturday, June 22, 2013

Kerala PSC Chemistry Model Questions


1.The structure of atom was discovered  by
             Niels Bohr

2.The smallest unit of matter that have all the characteristics of an element

3.Nucleus was discovered by

4.Neutron was discovered by
    J Chadwick

5. What is the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in an orbital?

6.Which atom has only one electron?

7. The path of the electron according to Niels Bohr’s theory was
       Orbit (Shell)

8. Electron  is  looked  upon  as  a cloud of negative charge according  to
      Wave - mechanics theory

9.The region of space around the nucleus  where  there is a  high probability of  finding  an  electron is called

10.Who put forward the principle of  uncertainty?
      Werner Heisenberg

11.What  do  you  mean  by  Avagadro’s  number?
      Number of particles in one mole of any substance

12.The  wave  nature  of  electron was suggested by whom?
          Louis De Broglie

13.The number of electrons in oxygen atom is

14.Who discovered  electrons?
       J. J. Thomson

15.What  are  the  neutrons  and protons in an atom collectively known as?
16.The  scientist  who  introduced the  model of  the atom  similar to the solar system?

17.What are isotopes?
  Atoms having same atomic number  but different  mass number.

18.What are isobars?
 Atoms  having  same  mass number but different atomic number

20.What are isotones?
 Atoms having equal number of neutrons.


21.What  is  the  basis  for  modern classification  of the  elements?
        Atomic number

22.What  was  the  basis  for Mendeleev  classification of  elements?
    Atomic weight

23.The  horizontal  rows  of  elements in the periodic table arecalled

24.Modern periodic table was developed  by
   Henry Moseley

25.The vertical columns of the periodic table  are called

 26.Which group  contains the  elements with largest atomic size?
 First  group

27.As the size of the atom increases the  electronegativity

28.What  kind  of elements  generally form coloured compounds?
 Transition metals

29.Who  studied  the  relationship between  atomic  volume  and atomic  weight?
Lothar Meyer

30.The  first  group  elements  are called
 Alkali metals

31.How many groups are there in the  modern periodic  table?

32.A solution which turns red litmus to blue is called

33.The elements  which show  the properties of  both metals  and non metals are called

34.Which period having the minimum  number of  elements
 First period

35.The elements of the s-block and pblock are together referred to as
 Representative elements

36.Where  are  the smallest  atoms seen  at  the  modern  periodic table?
 Right hand top

37.The different blocks of the Long form  periodic table  are
 s, p, d and f

38.Where  are  the  Largest  atoms seen at the periodic table?
 Bottom  left

39.Which period  have the  largest number  of elements  in the  periodic  table?
 The sixth period

40.Which is the smallest atom?

41.The relative tendency of the atoms  to  attract  electrons  in chemical reactions is called

42.The scientist who prepared the electronegativity  scale
 Linus Pauling


43.Which is  the first  artificial element?

44.Most  electropositive  elements
 Francium or Caesium

45.The element which shows highest  electron  affinity
 Chlorine (348)

46.The most  common  element  in the  atmosphere

47.The  natural  element  having highest atomic  weight

48.The heaviest gaseous element

49.Most stable  element

50.The element which is used to coat the photo copying drum of xerox

51.The element present in Thyroid hormone

52.The  element  present  in  DNA and RNA

53.The outermost orbit of an atom is called
Valence shell.

54.The electrons present in the outmost shell of an atom iscalled
Valence electrons

 55.The  element  contained  in  sea weeds

56.The  element  which  is  the  enemy of  copper

57.Most abundant element present in our body

58.Which  element  on  adding  to natural  rubber  makes  it  less sticky  in hot  weather and  less
hard in cold weather?

59.Which element can easily form chains?

60. Which  element  in  radioactive form  is  used  for  determining the age of artifacts, relics, bones etc of the past?

61. Which element has no neutrons in it?

62. Which  element  is  used  as  an antiseptic?

63. Which element is used in medicine, photography and making dyes, gives  off a  violet vapour
when heated?

64. Which is the most essential element for plant growth?

65.Which  element  is  highly present in sea cucumber?

66. Which  element  was  named ‘inflammable  air’?


67.Which is the best conductor of electric  current?

68. The main ores of Aluminium
 Bauxite and Cryolite

69.Metals extracted from sea water
 Magnesium and sodium

70. Major  metals  present in  Chloroplast
 Magnesium,  Manganese,Copper and Iron

71. Most abundant metal present in blood

72. The hardest metal is

 73.Noble  metals
 Silver, Platinum, Gold

 74.The first metal to be used by man

 75.“King of metal” is

76. The metal of future

 77.The metal found in the rocks of moon /Lunar metal is

78. Metal used for the manufacture of  aeroplane

79. Metal  present  in  the  exhaust gases of vehicles

80. An important metal present in the eyes of animals

81.Metal used in batteries of car

82.Metal present in Insulin

83.Electro positive elements:
An atom that loses one or more electrons

84.Electro negative elements:
An atom that gains one or more electrons

85.The  element  having  the  highest boiling  point

86.The element having the largest number  of  isotopes
 Tin (10 isotopes)

87.Element having highest reactivity

88.Element  used  as  bleaching agent

89.Most  abundant  element in  the earth crust

90.The most abundant metal in the earth’s crust ?

91. Element  having  the  highest electronegativity

92. The most abundant element in the  universe

93.The lightest element known is

94.The lightest metal is

95.Name the element kept by covering with  paraffin

96.Element used  in  the  manufacture of  insecticides

97.Metal used in torch cell

98.What is the purest form of iron?
 Wrought  Iron

99.Which  mineral  has  the  nickname ‘fool’s  gold’?
 Iron  pyrites

100.The  earthy impurities  present in the ore are called

101.Which metal remains in liquid state at 0°C?

102. Ruby is mainly the oxide of

 103.The metal having highest boiling  point

104. The fusible substance obtained when  flux  combines with  the gangue is known as

105. Write  the  name  of  three  softmetals:
 Lithium, Sodium, Potassium

106. Name three  metals  which  are in the liquid state on a hot day
 Mercury, Gallium, Cesium

107. Write  the names  of three  metals  which  do  not  react  with oxygen:
 Silver, Platinum, Gold

108. Bismuth Aurite is the mineral of

109. Which  chemical  causes Minamata disease?

110. Which  alkali  metal  is  denser than water?

111. The  elements  which  undergo chemical  change  losing  electrons are in generally called

112. What is the blue mineral of aluminium?

 113.Which is the black impure aluminium oxide mineral found in nature?

 114.Which metal is essential for the production of  haemoglobin?

 115. What  is  a  metallic  radical present in toilet soap?

116. Which  metal is  added to  gold for  making  ornaments?

117. Which  metal  is  contained  in chlorophyll?

118. Which are the two metals kept in  kerosene?
 Sodium, Potassium

119. Which metal is used in the filaments of electric lamps?

120.Which  metal  has  the  highest density?


121. Bronze is an alloy of
 Tin and copper

122.Alloy having low melting point

123. Alloy used to make rock driller

 124.Alloy used to make springs and suspension
 Phospher Bronze

125. Constituent metals contained in the  alloy  sterling  silver
 Copper and silver

126. Alloy used in the manufacture of gun  barrels
 Gun metal

127. Constituent metals contained in chrome  steel
 Iron and Chromium

128. Alloy used in the manufacture of pendulum of clock

129. Constituent metals contained in Invar
 Iron and Nickel

130. Which is the first alloy, a mixture of  two metals  to be  made in the world?

131. Which alloy is used for preparing strong  magnets

132.Name  the  alloy  used  for  casting engine parts?

133. Alloy used for the construction of air craft

134. What is  galvanising
 Coating iron with Zinc

135.What do you mean by calcination?
 Heating in the absence of  air

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