Thursday, July 4, 2013

Biology question for PSC exam/ Competetive exam

1)Who is known as father of Biology /Zoology ?

2)Who  discovered  that  ‘Planthave life’ ?
J.C. Bose

3)Name two nitrogen fixing bacteria ?
Rhizobium & Azetobactor

4)The plants absorbs the element nitrogen in the form of

5)Name  the  plant  that  absorbs ammonia directly ? 

6) Write an example of nitrogen fixing algae ? 

7)Name the  minerals caused  by Eutrophication ? 
Nitrogen, phophorus Black gram is very rich in ......Proteins & carbohydrates

8)Name two insecticides ? 

9)Dioxin is a common ? 

10)Which is the monocarpic plant which  shows gregarious  flowering once in 48 years ? 

11)BHC is the common name of?

12) Which gas lead to global warming ?

13)Which gas lead to ozone depletion ?
 Chlorofluro carbon

14)What  is  the term  used  for  the occurrence  of  more  than  one type of morphologically different leaves on the same plant?

15)What is cladode?
The modification of stem to carry the function of leaf is called cladode. eg: Opuntia 

16)What is the  male reproductive part of the flower known as ?

17)What is the  most common nutritive tissue for the developing embryos in angiosperm known as?

18) What  is  the  common name  of Agaricus ?

19)What is cambium? 
Elongated cells  in between xylem and phloem in dicot plants constitute cambium 

20)Write  the  name  of  the  trees which  flower  only  once  in  a complete life-cycle 

21)Give the name of an organism that  derives  its  nourishment from another living organism?

22) How  do plant cells  differ from animal cells?
In having cell walls, plastids and large vacuoles

23)What  is the  process of  corneal transplantation called?

24)L-dopa is a drug to cure which disease? 
Parkinson's disease

25)What  is  caused  due  to  deficiency of Vitamin E?
 Sterility in mammals

26)Which disease is found in cereals and is caused by fungus? 

27)What  disease is  caused by  the deficiency of Vitamin 'C?

28)What  is the  source of  Vitamin 'C'? 
Fruits and green vegetables

29)Which Vitamins are fat soluble? 
Vitamin D,  Vitamin A,  Vitamin E, Vitamin K When  the kidneys  of a  person
are not  working. 

29)Which  treatment is administered?

30)What is Dyspepsia?

31)Write  an example  of a  disease which affects Lungs: 

32)Where is  the disease  Meningitis affected? 
Brain and Spinal Cord

33) Which is  the lens  used  to  correct Astigmatism?
 Cylindrical lens

34)Where is Diptheria affected?

35)The part of the human body affected by Jaundice?

36)Which is the disease that affect the teeth and gum?

37)Where is paralysis affected ?

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